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Thursday, May 24, 2007

One for the money, two for the show and I feel a bad joke coming on......

I'd like to comment on something, precisely what I really don't know. But if I knew I'd be the first to comment on it, you can bet on that. I'm pretty sleepy right now it's been a really long day. Forms to fill out and shopping and eating and driving, all not necessarily in that order. Long but productive and satisfying, that is in that order. I noticed something today, not only have I grown up, but my friends have grown up too. I've been so busy focusing on my own personal growth I haven't taken the time to look around me to notice that everyone else has reached a new point too. I don't think I can make much sense of this right now since I am so extremely tired but it's almost as if there was an end to an era and the beginning of a new one and for once, I don't feel afraid. I really feel like in a place where I fit, which is a new feeling for me. I've adapted to my life and grown into it and that's really about all I've got for now, I surely will add to this topic in the morning, but for now good night!

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