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Saturday, May 26, 2007

How I can Relate My Love Life To Shoes and Other Myths They Taught Me In College

I'm really having a blast with these images of cartoon women, ok having a blast would be a highly overrated term there. I think I'm using them as therapy. I'm not sure if it's an ineffective method or not, I'll let you know in four to six weeks. It's about one thirty in the morning and I couldn't be more awake if I had drank three pots of coffee and drank a diet rockstar. Maybe it's time for some thoughts life isn't getting any easier the older I get. I'm struggling to write this because I don't even know if anyone really wants to read this anyways so here goes nothing.
Relationships, there's a metaphor coming, hang on. They're kind of like me and shoes. I've lost shoes, I've loved shoes, I've craved shoes, I've bought shoes, I've sold shoes, I've thrown out shoes, I've dressed up shoes for special occasions, I've even lied about where shoes came from and where they've been.
Then there's that one pair of shoes that's special, but they're kind of old and worn and they've been around a long time and you forget to take care of them and you forget to wear them and you just plain don't really pay that much attention to them. I'm sure the obvious is becoming painfully clear at this point.
But there's little you can do and you just have to wait and be patient and that's what hurts and thats why you are up at 1:30 in the morning writing a blog entry that no one is reading but you and you can only hope for the best. Shoes, yeah, its all about the shoes.....


rohin g. said...

Hey there!

Thanks for the feedback -- and upon revisiting, I'm noticing some changes here too -- all for the better, too.

Take care. I'll be sure to keep tabs on your blog.

Beginning with "B" said...

I've been at this for a while~~blogging, that is~~and, I've got to say I really like the look of your blog. (maybe, I'm metro-sexual, or something!~~(lol!)~~but, you've got spunk as well as a good use of metaphor when it comes to shoes!)

Okay. I got my smiles for the day. Seriously, you're going into my "favorites," and if you'd like me to link you, I'd be happy to. Let me know,k? (My blog is on the "naughty" side..but all done with humor, and whatever my imagination & life throws my way)

Happy to have found a bright, creative, blog, so early in the morning.


xx,adam b.~~(^_^)~~

KnotGypsy said...

Your blog is definitely coming along. I do check it everyday, even when I don't comment. Now I need to figure out how you do some of the blog formatting...

I love the shoe metaphor, you had me grinning sheepishly as I could relate.

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