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Friday, May 18, 2007

On A Side Note

Who is this you're probably wondering. Well this was my best little buddy in the whole world. I got him as a baby and raised him all by my self. Some could say he was like my child. He was the sweetest most loving creature I have ever known. He taught me so many things about myself and about life. He taught me to be selfless and he taught me what its like to truly love something or someone else completely with all your heart. Unfortunately his life was cut short by a disease that captive prairie dogs get called odontoma in which a tumor grows on the tooth and causes the poor animal to suffocate. I lost him when he was barely three years old and I still can't look at his picture without crying. I don't think I'll ever be able to. You're probably wondering why I'm bringing this up at all. Well folks, this story was the tearjerker designed to bring you in. I'm looking for human interaction, I'm looking to know that there is someone out there. Anyone got a pet story? I know people love to talk about their pets. I want to hear from someone who's got the strangest pet, I had a prairie dog, someone top that. I love animals and always will, I'm sure there's some of you out there who love them too, don't be shy.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't have a pet right now, but I've had spiders, reptiles, dogs, rodents, fish, and once I had a bat for a few days while his (maybe her) wing healed. After seeing that picture though, I want to run right out and get a prairie dog, maybe two of them. I'd call one Butter, and the other Noodles; I don't know why, but those sound like good prairie dog names. What was your prairie dog's name?

Browneyedgurly said...

My prairie dogs name was Hobbes after Calvin and Hobbes but really in actuality he acted more like Calvin. He was quite the little trouble maker but he always made me smile, I miss him quite a bit.

KnotGypsy said...

I know well the grief of losing a pet. I hat has been a couple of years, but I still miss my Prince Albert "Boo Boo" Einstein. I know, the name is a bit much. He was a bit much, though. He was a part Siamese male cat. He had the most beautiful blue soulful eyes! He was too smart.

I like Calvin and Hobbes a lot, and think Hobbes is a great name. If he was like Calvin, though, he must have been quite a character!

BTW, david, I like the names Butter and Noodles. The 3 year old daughter of a friend of mine once named her black kitten "Tomato". And you know what? It fit.

I have mostly had cats in my life. Always at least 1 cat my whole life except for 2 years when I was in the Army. They won't let you have pets in the barracks. Those were the two hardest years.

I have had other pets as well. I guess the most unusual was 5 ground squirrels. Of course, I had some horned toads as well (I spent part of my childhood in west Texas). I always loved animals, and my grandfather was always bringing me home some critter. (He's the one who taught me how to catch horned toads when I was about 4.)

So I should shut up for now. I can talk all day about animals.

Anonymous said...

I am really sorry to hear that I just lost my prairie dog Knuckles to the same thing we are truely sad !!!

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