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Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm Heading Into Summer Yet I Feel As Heavy As November

This is officially the kickoff of summer, Memorial Day Weekend. I don't know how the weather is where everybody else is at, but here in Chicago, the weather is awful. Cold and rainy and it's almost as if it's depicting my mood. I feel as if life goes in cycles. I have my good years and my bad years, my on years and my off years. The seasons that rock and the seasons that I just wanna sleep through. Is it that way for everyone or am I alone on this madness? I want to be lighthearted, I try to keep these type of posts to a minimum and throw them in the journal section and leave the good reads at the top. I have some nagging feelings that I cannot seem to work out. I feel disjointed, disconnected and above all disgruntled.I feel, about all I feel and I feel too much lately and that's all there really is to it.

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