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Thursday, May 17, 2007

First Day, but of what???

It's Thursday, not a special Thursday of any sort but I feel as if it should be special. I've been sitting around all day just doing simple tasks. Getting my stuff ready for the job I absolutely cannot stand, but for some reason it seems a lot better now. My life in the past week has improved greatly. It's like I finally got back on track. For the past six months I've been stumbling around hating myself, hating my life, hating everyone and everything in the world around me. It's as if I couldn't get enough of the self pity that I was just laying on myself. And letting myself soak in it. But things are better, suddenly I just love everyone again. And I love everything again cause now I have direction, now i have a goal now I have a plan. When I left school last September I didn't really know what I was going to do. I assumed that I would just work and that would be enough. But then after I was in a car accident and I no longer had a car, work became difficult and the money stopped and everything just piled on top of me. There were bills to pay that I couldn't afford and everything was just one big giant mess. Seems as if there always is a resolution and there is and there was and I've returned from where I was and now I'm starting over, day one, today. So here I am, this is my beginning post. If anyone actually reads this site, I welcome you, if not I guess its just me writing to myself. Either way its a win/win situation so I'm happy. Enough said, I will write more later.


1 comment:

Beginning with "B" said...


Gotta start somewhere!

First day? Uhhh, "The rest of your life," I've always heard.

~~had to go to the beginning,
and say, "hello."

adam b. (blush!)

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