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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My brain is full but my tummy on the other hand.....

Right now my tummy's grumbling. Although my head is full, full of thoughts. My thoughts are just consuming me today and I'm not sure why. I think that's why I just keep writing and writing and writing away. It's almost as if I can't stop. I used to journal pen to paper and then I learned that I could do it a lot faster on the computer and here I am today. Today hasn't been an unpleasant day or an unusual day. I did some chores, went to the dentist, saw my brother for fourteen seconds, bothered my dad at work, bothered my boyfriend at work, attempted to eat cereal and cheez its but this toothache I have just won't let me get any food down. I was busy, yet the thoughts keep coming.


KnotGypsy said...

You may well be on the verge of a satori. In case you don't know, a satori is an enlightenment, but larger. It is an opening up of oneself, and a bringing together our various aspects. I encourage you to keep at it. It is a valuable experience. I remember, I had one in my early 20's as well. Mine went on for 3 days.

It helped to do as you are doing, writing. It also helped to look at old photos of myself, to look into my own eyes. I didn't want to eat, or be distracted from my task.

Remember to stay hydrated, and get a little nutrition into yourself. Smoothies are great for this. But go with what your body tells you. Remember to rest a little.

I think something in your past caused you to close off a part of yourself for safe keeping. Now, I think, you want it back or it wants out.

On the one hand you have a drive to express yourself, and be independent. On the other hand, you have conditioning (as we all do) that compels you to conform. The part of yourself that wants expression is seen (by you) as being at odds with the worldview you have accepted.

You and only you can decide between being who you are and letting go of that world view, or closing back up again and pretending.

I will keep checking in today, and over the next few days. My work keeps me near my computer, so it will not be a problem. I do have some other thoughts, but I think it best to leave you with it. Remember, you are the only one who really knows what you need. You have it within you to do this. I am here and will stay nearby.

Browneyedgurly said...

Thank you for the thoughts I do believe I am on the verge of something. My life seems to be turning in a direction and I have no choice but to follow it and see where it takes me. BTW I just visited your shop and your jewelry is gorgeous I couldn't figure out how to comment on there so I hope you read this on here! Thanks again!

KnotGypsy said...

Thank you! For looking, and for the nice compliment.

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