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Thursday, May 31, 2007

I May Not Have Dolls To Dress Up But The Internet Seems To Have Found A Remedy For This

I swore I was done with the dollz, but inside every adult woman, there is a little girl dying to play dress up and today my inner girl came out.

I don't have actual dolls anymore to dress in fancy clothes but it seems that technology, has a remedy for that, like it has for many things. You can visit and create a very own doll of your own. With it's customizable drop and click doll maker making your very own doll is just a few clicks away. From preppy to gothic the possibilities are endless and all they ask of you is that you provide a link back to their site. I had discovered this trend a few years back but upon revisiting it this morning I learned that it is still going strong. I really had despised it until this morning when I realized there is a certain therapy and creativity in creating something even if it is on a computer screen. Why you can even create a doll in your likeness to use as your icon or on your own blog or website. Like I said before the possibilities really are endless. Now that I am hooked on it again I'm sure I will be creating more dollz than I can possibly imagine. Plus saving them is easy as you can download them right to your computer with no problems at all so you do not have to worry about losing your work. Simple, cute and a little bit of fun. Formerly reserved for the teenage crowd I think everyone could get a little smile out of these dollz, I know I did. Once again these can be found at

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